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Smithsonian Folklife Festival

I have presented at five Smithsonian Folklife Festivals and additionally done research and teaching workshops, presenters workshops and translation throughout the years.

2018-Catalonia: Tradition and Creativity from the Mediterranean
2016-Basque: Innovation by Culture
2015-Perú: Pachamama
2011-Colombia: The Nature of Culture
1993-US-Mexico Borderlands

Interview on my perspectives on work at the Smithsonian Festival , “Heritage Survival Across Borders: Identity, Language and Migration on This Anthro Life podcast with Adam Gamwell, February 21, 2019.

Peru: Pachamama, SmithsonIan Folklife Festival, 2007

New York Folklore May 2020:
20 Folk Artists/20 Days

I presented to folk artists from New York CIty:
May 8 Julia del Palacio, Mexican Son Jarocho, NYC 
May 11 Leah Koenig, Jewish Cooking, NYC
as part of New York Folklore’s 20 day initiative to showcase folk and traditional artists in New York State.


Queer Croning at Outsider 2020

I was happy to team up with the esteemed Kay Turner and a cast of thousands to present a Queer Croning at Outsider, an Austin-based transmedia celebration of creative originality of LGBTQ+ communities. This celebration of the post-menopausal women in all of us was inspired by Croning events at the American Folklore Society’s Women’s Section.

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